What are the symptoms of vaping illness?

Many experts suggest using vaporizers or e-cigarettes as these are safer than the traditional ways of smoking. As we all know very well that smoking may make you very sick as that can take your life and to avoid such consequences nowadays many smokers started vaping to avoid smoking cigarettes or bongs. Also, the popular as well as the best smoke shop in California now promoting e-cigarettes as the upcoming trend in the future, when all will be vaping. Many smokers who are addicted to bongs or any other smoking options like pots, pipes, or joints have switched to vaping or e-cigarettes for the good. How can you realize if vaping is affecting you? Many people have suffered from coughing along with shortness of breath due to smoking e-cigarettes. Others have encountered signs of inflammation in their lungs, mouth, nose, and throat. Several cancer-causing chemicals are used in the aerosol of e-cigarettes and that makes smoking these quite dangerous. For this reason, the ...