Top 7 Reasons to Quit Smoking Bongs and Start Vaping


Vaporizers are safer than the traditional ways of smoking and for that reason, nowadays many smokers started using vapes and quitted smoking bongs. So if you are habituated to smoking bongs or any other like pots, pipes, or joints then you may switch to vaping for the good. Now the best smoke shops in California are offering smart vaporizers at a reasonable price as the world is trending toward vaping. 

  • The most effective reasons to ditch the bong and start vaping:

There are several reasons for using vapes and get away from smoking and in the following section, we will mention the top ten reasons for that. Read these points thoroughly to understand the benefits of using vaporizers over the glass water bongs.

  1. Good for throat and lungs:

Though nicotine is harmful to the throat and lungs, as we have mentioned vaporizer is way safer than the traditional way of smoking. The smoke we get from vapes feels smooth and good to our throat and lungs and less harmful for them. For this reason, it is advised to adopt using vaporizers and leave smoking glass water bongs.  

  1. No stinking smell:

Once you smoke a bong or joint or pipe the peoples around you will get the stinking smell and that might make some of them angry. But if you use vape then the peoples around you won’t get any smell and that makes it more convenient as a smoking alternative. Now the best bong shops in California also selling good quality vaporizers after observing its popularity.

  1. One time investment:

If you compare with bongs then you might find vaporizers are quite expensive, but if you calculate as per long-run basis then you will find purchasing a vaporizer is also a very cost-effective option. If you maintain the vaporizer properly then you can use it life-long as many people are using now vaporizer for more than 10 years and that makes it cheaper than bongs. 

  1. Trendy and less harmful:

As we have mentioned, peoples are trending toward vaping nowadays and that put vape in current trends. Also, vapes are less harmful than direct smoking as it reduces the chance of any disease from smoking. Many governments are now encouraging vaping as it helps to leave the smoking habit and that reduces harm.  

  1. A hassle-free procedure:

Preparing a bong with water and all the parts in place is a quite hectic job. Also, carrying a bong with you is quite impossible. But preparing and carrying a vape is a very easy and less time-taking job and many people carry their vapes while they visit any places. The online stores for the best smoke accessories in California also promote vapes more than bongs. 

  1. Provides a good flavor:

Many of us purchase expensive high-quality tobaccos due to the flavor and vaporizers provide the actual flavor of tobacco in every smoke. So if you use a vaporizer then you can feel the refreshing mint flavor in your tobacco if you like that or you may like dessert flavors like vanilla custard. The only maintenance requirement for vapes is to clean them after every use.

  1. Helps to quit smoking habit:

We have mentioned earlier, vapes are safer than the traditional way of smoking, and many professional glass bongs shops in California now promoting vaping. Also, as per a study we get to know that smokers who vape are more likely to quit tobacco use, as all smokers try to quit smoking at any point in their lives. So if you thinking of quitting tobacco then you might start vaping. 


These reasons are very effective and after reading all this you now understood the real advantages of vaping and why you should quit smoking bongs, pipes, or joints. You can get good quality vapes as per your budget and requirement from the best smoke shop in California at a cheap price. So start vaping to try and quit your smoking habit for the good. 


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