Here Is Why You Should Change Your Bong Water Regularly

Cool Bong. | Marijuana Chick

Bong is one of the most popular as well as a reliable medium for smoking. Bongs consist of an empty pot covered with the lighten tobacco. The pot is filled with water and a pipe for smoking purposes if fitted by the side of it so that the smoker can collect the smoke through the pipe but not water. Here the water level should be considerably low than the level of the smoking pipe, so the water doesn’t get in the mouth. Here water acts as a filter to remove the extra tar from tobacco and the smoker gets a partially filtered smoke, which is not that effective for the lungs.


Now you should change the bong water every time you finished smoking, along with cleaning the bongs. This will be very much effective for the next smoke in the same bong. The best water bong shop in California suggests using their cleaning agents for cleaning the bongs and pipes for getting the actual flavor of your favorite tobacco. Here in the following section, we will mention why regularly changing bong water is effective for a pleasant smoke.


The benefits of changing bong water regularly:


Ø  The longer you use the same water in bong the dirty it will get. Now if you are expending enough for purchasing your favorite tobacco from the best smoke shop in California, but can’t get the actual flavor of your expensive tobacco due to bad odor in dirty bong water, then it will not be satisfactory for you and your companions. Therefore to get the actual flavor or aroma and taste of your expensive tobacco, you should smoke it in a clean bong with fresh water.


Ø  Also, if you are using dirty water in your bong then it might invite the bacteria straight to your lungs and partially increase the chance of lung infection. Though smoking is harmful to the lungs but smoking dirty will increase the harmful factors in many ways. So this pint regarding bacterial infection can’t be taken lightly. You should maintain the proper cautions so that you can smoke for a longer time and don’t get sick. 


Ø  If the dirty water sits inside the bong for a certain time, then it leaves its dark marks and spots inside the bong. Now after some days if you try to clean it with the right type of cleaning agents, then also it will be an extremely tough and laborious job to remove the stains properly. Now instead of cleaning late, if you clean your bong after a single smoke party then you won’t need to put this extra force to clean your bong and your bong will be clean enough to impress all. 





Now as we have mentioned, if you are smoking in a bong filled with dirty water then you will get the dirty smell from nicotine tar in you every puff. The cleanliness of your chosen bong from the best glass bongs shop in California will also get worsens due to the spots and marks of the nicotine tar accumulated inside of the bong. And above all, you will not get the actual flavor of your favorite expensive tobaccos due to the bad smell of the dirty bong. 


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